Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf – Cozy Living

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Welcome friends! Can you actually believe March is here already!? I’m so happy that I’m starting to feel Spring in the air, it’s been a long old winter. Today I’m sharing how I repurposed an antique hutch mirror into a shelf. I’m also excited to be joining my awesome cozy living friends, it’s the first Saturday of the month that means it’s time for some cozy living fun.  

Cozy Living

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

This cozy living series is hosted by Jennifer, she’s the brains behind this whole series and she shares her creativity over at Town & Country Living.  We are the #cozylivningteam , a group of cozy loving friends that simply love to share how we live a hygge life. There are so many inspiring and creative ways to live a cozy life.

Antique Hutch Mirror – Brimfield Adventure

Brimfield-Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

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I was able to go to Brimfield Antique Flea Market  in 2019 , located in Brimfield Massachusetts, USA.  I must tell you, for someone like me who LOVES to go treasure hunting it was a completely overwhelming experience (in the best possible way). Have you ever been? 

Brimfield-Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Image Source 

I didn’t prepare myself for how huge it actually is and in my excitement, I may have spent more than I wanted to for some items, only because I saw things there that I just haven’t seen here, where we live in Canada. It was a fantastic experience and I’m so glad I went, hopefully one day I’ll make it back there again.

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

One of the goodies I lugged home from that trip was the top mirror portion of an antique hutch. At one time this beauty was attached to a gorgeous hutch. But when I found it, it was sitting all alone on the grass and the price was too irresistible to leave it behind. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with it, but I knew I’d do something with it. 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

I got it home and it sat on our mantel for a 2 years… This is what it looked like for Christmas 2019 – if you’d like to see more from that Christmas, you can see more here. I liked it on the mantel, but I actually found a mirror I liked better for this location.  So, out to the barn she went. A little back story for you, I’m challenging myself this year to actually do something with the treasures I lug home, either use them or sell them. It’s been more challenging than I thought… I love all of the goodies I bring home, it’s hard to give them up. But, I am starting to exercise my creativity in coming up with ideas for the goodies in the barn and this is one of my favourites this year, so far. 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf – DIY

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Our home is a story and a half and this space is the landing upstairs where our bedroom and primary bath are. This landing is an awkward space, with high ceilings  and a railings along the whole length of one side for the stairs… this landing was always in flux, I never knew quite what to do with it. This cedar shelf we built had decor leaning on the very top of it, like a ledge – very basic and completely uninteresting. I wasn’t using this to it’s full potential, for sure. This bad phone picture is when I decided what I finally wanted to do. You’ve probably guessed it, this is where I decided to add the antique hutch mirror. But first, this is how I repurposed it. 

Firstly I took it all apart, it was put together with old nails and it was very wobbly and loose so this step was easier than I had thought it would be. 

Secondly, I used a heat gun and removed the antique varnish that covered the whole piece, this process too was less “painful” than I imagined. Once the varnish was gone, I sanded everything and put it back together with glue and screws, this made it very strong and sturdy. 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Thirdly and lastly, I added a 2×6 pine board (cut to length) to the bottom of the curved corbels, once the shelf was securely attached I oiled the entire piece. LOVE IT! This is how it looks in it’s proud new spot. 

Antique Hutch Mirror – AKA Plant Shelf

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Since this space has a massive window at one end,  I decided to take advantage of all of this natural light for some of my plant babies. They are loving it up here and I must say, I am loving how it looks. 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

I’m having fun styling this space now… 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

I recently added another project from the barn, this old ladder, you guessed it, it’s for plants. 😉

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Such pretty curves. 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

I painted the existing cedar shelf black to anchor the space, I love the contrast. 

Antique Hutch Mirror Repurposed Shelf - Vinyet Etc

Thank you all for stopping in, I truly appreciate your visits! Do you bring things home before you know exactly what you’re going to do with them? I’m completely guilty! 😉 

Now, I hope you’ll go check out my talented friends below. xo 

Cozy Living Team

Cozy Living Series - March 2021

Vinyet Etc. / Finding Silver Pennies / Duke Manor Farm

Cozy Living Series - March 2021

Creative Cain Cabin / Making It in the Mountains / Town and Country Living

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  • Reply Dawn March 6, 2021 at 7:48 am

    You found the perfect spot for it and it sure filled that space nicely. I’d never have guessed it was a small stairway nook, it looks like a well decorated room. I like you drag home treasure with no place to put them. My house has lots of windows without much wall space so it’s hard to find spots for big pieces. I think your treasure is a keeper for sure.

    • Reply Laurie March 9, 2021 at 10:00 am

      Thanks so much Dawn! I do lug all of the strays home, much to the dismay of my hubs. 😉

  • Reply Danielle March 6, 2021 at 9:18 am

    Yay! I’m so glad you got to Brimfield. It’s a great market and VERY overwhelming. I’ve gone a few times with my mom, Luke and the boys on different trips. My problem is I’ll walk my partner in crimes feet off looking and looking and looking. So glad my family is patient with me. I love the mirror you found. It looked great on your mantel but LOVE how it looks in it’s new home. LOVE it stripped down because you notice the pretty details even more. Great job!

    • Reply Laurie March 9, 2021 at 10:02 am

      Isn’t it a fun market, I’d love to go again one day… maybe we could meet up and walk each other’s feet off. <3 Thank you for your kind words, I love that you can see the details much better now too.

  • Reply Jennifer @ Town and Country Living March 6, 2021 at 11:09 am

    You’re so ambitious, Laurie! I love your vintage mirror and I love your little landing at the top of the stairs. I haven’t been to Brimfield but I’ve heard about. I’m glad you got to go!

    • Reply Laurie March 9, 2021 at 10:04 am

      Thanks Jennifer… as per usual I thought, this will be an easy one and as per usual, it wasn’t. But it was definitely worth every minute!

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